The new CMTC website is up and running at www.canadamt.com -- though we're sure it will be an ongoing project. Check out our extensive awards section, which features photos of top Canadian winners going back more than 35 years, full specialty results with photos, yearly award winners, Hall of Fame and Register of Merit inductees (our thanks to the many people who contributed photos to this section, especially Donna Gates and Patricia White). The education section features a whole raft of historic documents, artwork, breed standards, judging supports and more. You can also find preliminary information about our 2010 specialty in Quebec and even download a sample copy of our newsletter, The Ratter's Review.
The site also includes lots of information for folks interested in Manchesters as pets or as partners in any number of dog-related activities. In the 'All About Manchesters' section of the site you will find information on the history of the breed, answers to frequently asked questions, a health overview and a collection of useful links. To help you find a Manchester we have also provided information on rescue, a handy puppy buyers' guide and a list of member breeders.
Our Health section is being overhauled, so watch for the launch of http://www.healthymanchesters.com/ in the next few months as well as additional details on CMTC fundraisers. In the meantime, if you have photos, articles, artwork or trivia to contribute to the CMTC's collection, please let us know! Whether you are a CMTC member or not, we welcome your feedback and assistance as we work to continually grow and improve our site!
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