- remember to bring along fresh water when out for lengthy walks or adventures. Be careful not to allow your dog to drink out of stagnant pools of water. These often contain unhealthy bacteria or parasites. Some lake water may also contain harmful algae growth which can actually be fatal to dogs. It is much safer to provide your dog with water you know is clean.
- try to find a dog-safe bug spray when out in areas where dogs will come in contact with mosquitoes, black fly, or other biting bugs. We use all-natural sprays which use lemongrass, ginger and other extracts. We try to avoid those with heavy chemicals.
- some Manchesters react to certain bug bites. If you MT has an allergic reaction to a bug bite or a bee sting you can give him/her a dose of antihistamine, such as Bendryl at a dosage of 1mg/lb. We carry Bendryl with us whenever we go out with the dogs in the summer.
- if you are in an area with ticks, make sure you check your MT on a regular basis for unwelcome "visitors". For instructions on how to remove a tick, click here.
- if you are in a high-risk area for heartworm (in Canada that includes southern Ontario, southern Quebec, Manitoba and the Okanagan in British Columbia) you should consider using medication to prevent heartworm. This condition is transmitted via infected mosquitoes. If you are planning to travel to a high-risk area this summer be sure to discuss this with your vet before travelling.
- when planting your garden, keep your MT in mind. There are a number of plants that are safe for humans but not for dogs. Some of these plants may only cause minor upsets if ingested, while others may have more tragic results. For a listing of some plants to avoid, click here.
- keep an eye on dogs near swimming pools and other bodies of water. Unfortunately there are still too many incidents of accidental drownings of dogs. Sometimes dogs that fall into pools or other bodies of water panic and can't find the a way out.
- watch out for overheating. Our MTs are black and tan...they absorb heat. And although our guys LOVE to sunbathe they still need access to shade and cooler places. In the heat of the summer make sure there are cool places for your MT to relax out of the sun.

Submitted by: Jennifer Tomes
great tips - and I love the dress!
ReplyDeleteTillie, you are just too cute!!