Raising funds to accomplish the many aspirations of the CMTC is a vital function, and sometimes a very challenging endeavour. We are a small club, and our annual membership fees just cover our basic costs of running the club.
To maintain our status as a breed club within the CKC, we are required to hold a national specialty a minimum every 2 years. This endeavour can easily cost $2,000+. Our ongoing health studies and the occaisional unfortunate circumstance of rescuing a Manchester in need, also are important uses of club funds. We cannot accomplish our goals without the generous support of our members and others.
While we receive cash donations throughout the year, it is not sufficient. In this section of our blog I would like to keep readers up-to-date on the various fundraising projects in progress. We are always looking for new ideas, and feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Over the next few months we have a number of worthwhile projects on the go:
Bake Sale - coordinator: Janice Thompson thompsonsmt@eastlink.ca
The Atlantic Region members are planning a Bake Sale on November 13 and 14, 2009 at the Moncton Kennel Club shows and trials in Moncton, New Brunswick. The MKC has donated booth space for the weekend, and CMTC will also provide club literature and breed information. Janice is open to other suggestions for their booth and/or volunteers.
2010 CMTC Calendar - coordinator: Patti Taylor ptaylor1@telus.net
We are again selling our very popular Manchester calendar for the 2010 calendar year. The photos
provided by participants are always outstanding and improve in quality and content every year. This year the calendars will be ready for mailing by Dec 1, and we are planning for a new lower price of $19.95 + mailing.
The funding for producing the calendar comes from the sale of each month to feature your Manchester in the calendar. A contribution of $50 features your Manchester exclusively for the month of your choice. You also receive a free calendar. All months have now been sold but you can still showcase your Manchester by purchasing a page without the month attached for $50 which includes a free calendar. We also offer commercial advertising for kennels and businesses at very reasonable rates. You do not have to be a member of CMTC to participate. Email Patti Taylor ptaylor1@telus.net for more info.
2009 CMTC Online Auction - coordinator: Tina Sandford
The club is planning an online auction to be held through the Manchester website. This will be a first for us, but we have high hopes for its success. We will be looking for donated items to list in the auction, so start gathering your wares you wish to list. More details will beprovided at a later date.
I would again like to invite anyone who wants to volunteer or has ideas to open up a dialogue in this blog.
Submitted by Patti Taylor
To maintain our status as a breed club within the CKC, we are required to hold a national specialty a minimum every 2 years. This endeavour can easily cost $2,000+. Our ongoing health studies and the occaisional unfortunate circumstance of rescuing a Manchester in need, also are important uses of club funds. We cannot accomplish our goals without the generous support of our members and others.
While we receive cash donations throughout the year, it is not sufficient. In this section of our blog I would like to keep readers up-to-date on the various fundraising projects in progress. We are always looking for new ideas, and feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Over the next few months we have a number of worthwhile projects on the go:
Bake Sale - coordinator: Janice Thompson thompsonsmt@eastlink.ca
The Atlantic Region members are planning a Bake Sale on November 13 and 14, 2009 at the Moncton Kennel Club shows and trials in Moncton, New Brunswick. The MKC has donated booth space for the weekend, and CMTC will also provide club literature and breed information. Janice is open to other suggestions for their booth and/or volunteers.
2010 CMTC Calendar - coordinator: Patti Taylor ptaylor1@telus.net
We are again selling our very popular Manchester calendar for the 2010 calendar year. The photos
The funding for producing the calendar comes from the sale of each month to feature your Manchester in the calendar. A contribution of $50 features your Manchester exclusively for the month of your choice. You also receive a free calendar. All months have now been sold but you can still showcase your Manchester by purchasing a page without the month attached for $50 which includes a free calendar. We also offer commercial advertising for kennels and businesses at very reasonable rates. You do not have to be a member of CMTC to participate. Email Patti Taylor ptaylor1@telus.net for more info.
2009 CMTC Online Auction - coordinator: Tina Sandford
The club is planning an online auction to be held through the Manchester website. This will be a first for us, but we have high hopes for its success. We will be looking for donated items to list in the auction, so start gathering your wares you wish to list. More details will beprovided at a later date.
I would again like to invite anyone who wants to volunteer or has ideas to open up a dialogue in this blog.
Submitted by Patti Taylor
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