Sunday, May 24, 2009

Manchester Versatility

"doggie drag racing" with flyball

I wanted to take the opportunity to write about Manchester versatility. As one of the oldest of terriers, the Manchester was known for ridding stables and pubs of rodents and vermin; and became famous in the “sporting” rat pits of England. Since being refined and redefined as a great family pet, the Manchester is a dog of versatility.

For those of us owning one, we are quite accustomed to their couch potato like attitude inside the house. But the Manchester is a smart and active breed, in need of a stimulating environment. Given the chance, any Manchester is up for a game of sport. Which sport? Well, that’s the beauty of a Manchester, they can excel at anything.

Given that they were bred for hunting, their prey drive can still be quite high. Sports like Tracking and Earthdog trials are great outlets for their natural instincts. A few CMTC members have had their dogs participate in herding as well. Yes! Herding. Ducks and sheep; given a task and proper training, a Manchester is an eager participant for whatever you’ve got to offer.

Terrier Racing

They are built for speed, so naturally Lure Coursing and Terrier Racing are a great fit. Some dog clubs and racing organizations provide fun days for racing. There is nothing like seeing a Manchester run full speed in an open field.

going through the tunnel on an agility course

With their awesome jumping ability and keen problem solving skills, Manchester’s also make great agility and flyball dogs. Even the latest sensation, Rally-O has Manchester Terrier’s making big strides. Just last year, a CMTC member and her Manchester were one of the participants in the CKC’s inagural Rally-O competition.

Musical Freestyle or Heelwork to Music is another great sport that anyone can try! It's all about creative heeling to music and adding in a few tricks to create a fun and entertaining routine for everyone to enjoy. Just taking the time to teach your dog some new moves with keep them happy and healthy! Put on a show for your family or wow your friends the next time they come to visit with the awesome things your Mannie can do!

Check out this video from YouTube of a cool older Manchester in action with Freestyle training!

So in owning and loving a Manchester, you are in for a smart, fun and versatile breed, highly motivated to perform in any sport. Just try to keep up!

submitted by CMTC member, Melissa Doldron.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article, Melissa. I'd like to add Tracking to your list, one of our TMTs absolutely loves it.
